First Reva, Kathy, and I talked about what kind of cake we might want Ellie to have. I wanted something that was fairly simple, but still meant something to Ellie at this age. Ellie really likes Elmo's World on Sesame Street lately, so I thought it might be fun to make Elmo's face for her first cake. Kathy and Reva baked the two cake layers, and then Kathy and I frosted Elmo. It only took us a solid two bottles of red food coloring to get our Elmo frosting red.
Once we had our first layer of frosting on him we decorated his mouth and then textured his face so he looked a little more like Elmo before adding his eyes and nose. By the way, an apricot makes a fantastic Elmo nose, but the boy at the store will look at you funny when 3 women and a little girl go to the store and buy a single apricot for 4 people.
While we were decorating her cake, Ellie had a great time discovering what fun balloons can be!
This is the final product of her Elmo cake. I think he turned out pretty darn cute.
And this is what the happy birthday girl looked like when we all sat down for dinner followed by presents. She had some ups and downs that night, deciding to randomly be afraid of her Aunt Lori, although she was fine with her a couple days later. But, she really enjoyed her birthday dinner of dutch oven potatoes with hamburger in them and jello salad. So she was a happy girl when Lori, Bridget, Kathy, Amanda, Grandma, Grandpa, and Steve and I all sat down with her to do presents.
This girl loves to tear paper, so although she started out really squirmy and tentative, she was soon ripping paper with enthusiasm Grandma Reva could be proud of.
After presents, while we got the cake ready, she enjoyed more balloon time with Aunt Kathy and Amanda.
And then it was time to strip her down. Funny memory to record: We thought there were birthday candles, but as it turns out, Grandma and Grandpa were fresh out. So, like any resourceful family we turned to the next best thing. Grandpa pulled out a small candle stick and we placed that next to the cake while we sang. Ellie kept trying to grab the flames, so eventually I blew it out for her. And then it was time to see what she'd do with cake.
Honestly, at this point she was tired, not at all hungry after a great dinner, and a little sick of being stared at I think. She grabbed for her cake enough to dump it off its plate and get a little frosting on her fingers before deciding she was not going to enjoy the sticky frosting and then wouldn't even let me give her a piece to try. She did however get really excited and dance in her high chair repeatedly when Daddy played the theme to Elmo's World which he had recorded for her beforehand.
You think she's tired yet?
After taking this picture (and maybe 1 or 2 more) to record the day's events, we tossed our completely exhausted child into the bathtub so we could watch the water turn red and she could not be covered in frosting for church the next day. She slept well that night I think... But, it was a great first birthday and Reva and Kathy were so great to make sure I felt like I was a big part of planning her party and teaching me some about decorating her cake. Happy birthday (party 1 of 2....) Ellie!
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