Friday, October 23, 2009

Some Day Soon... We Hope!

So it's amazing how much easier (and more fun) it is to spend money that isn't yours! Steve and I are learning this when it comes to his classroom budget. Don't worry, most of the money is being spent on textbooks, machines for classroom experiments, etc. However, some of his budget was approved to buy a fish tank (pictures to come) and some of the budget is supposed to go towards finches! So the great part is that each of his classroom animals teaches a specific biology lesson. (And I love that I get to make posters using my CSS skills for them once I graduate and have more time)

So right now we're waiting on the district office to give us the purchase orders (which is driving us crazy!) So I just thought I would let you know what we're looking forward to spending Mabton's money on.

First, we have zebra finches, which have such great patterns and colors!

Next, we want to get some society finches.
And because you may think those are a little plain, we are ECSTATIC about finding a woman who will sell us a couple of GORGEOUS gouldian finches!
We are really excited about having these finches to supplement Steve's lessons about Darwin and his finches in the Galapagos Islands. Now come on with that money order please!

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