Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Family Pictures

I know, we just did family pictures back in September, but we happened to have both sides of the family take pictures in the same year, so here are a few of the pictures we had taken over Christmas break while in Preston. As usual, I'll only post the pictures of our family as I don't know what other people will want posted.

Of course Ellie was the little star of our family ans so the photographer took a number of pictures of her.

And some of our whole family, many of which still star Ellie.
Oh, and one of the whole group for good measure. Enjoy!
PS - I know some of my family will want one or two of these pictures. So just let us know if you want a higher quality picture than you can pull off the blog. And all the black and whites we also have in color. And a couple of colors in the black and white as well. Whatever, just ask!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! That pretty much sums up everything! Very cute little Ellie!
